Ivan Vesely creates a work of art with just a toothbrush and some paper.

After watching the Cut Copy video from last week, I noticed this toothbrush art video in my YouTube sidebar. It’s been around since 2009 so again I apologise for the picture quality. Although, I’m happy to climb back through the YouTube timeline if it means finding videos like this one!

MTV would compare Cut Copy to Empire of the Sun so it’s ironic to hear them playing in the background of this video. Like all videos on YouTube, it’s instantly cooler to add music. While there’s not really a connection between song and video in this one, it’s nice to have that background noise.

But enough of the pointless bullshit… the artwork created by Vesely is incredible and with 2,328,127 views and only 500 dislikes it appears a lot of people would agree with me. Like always I recommend you watch this if you haven’t yet because it’s short and sweet. It’s also a video well worth your time of day…

The basic form starts to appear fairly early on in the video but only gets bigger and better. There’s a point in the video, where it looks like he is done but then colour gets thrown in and it’s a whole new journey.

Being the internet it’s obvious there were some arguments in the comments. One group of people dig the black and white, the others think colour is better. Then of course there is probably another group who simply hate it because he uses a toothbrush. Forget what other people think, you should form your own opinion before reading some of those ridiculous comments.

Creative Chef - Not toothbrush art
Creative Chef (Not done with a toothbrush)

The reason behind this guys strange and creative artworks?
“Creativity has always been a source of healing and freedom in [his] life. [He aims to create works] that brings freedom and healing to others.” He’s pretty much just trying to fight the bad in this world with artworks… Which might seem impossible to do with a toothbrush but I hope he sticks to it!

※ Liam Barr

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